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Hope United Church of Christ is a 5 for 5 congregation. This means the church commits to participating in the following five UCC’s special offerings throughout the year. 

  • Our Church's Wider Mission: offers basic support to the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ and the National Office. Our contribution for 2022 was $4,200 from our annual budget.

  • One Great Hour of Sharing: offers help, hope, and life by supporting partners in more than 70 countries with ministries that fund development projects, feed victims of famine, provide services for displaced people, and respond to natural disasters. This offering is collected each March.

  • Strengthen the Church: supports UCC church growth and leadership development at both local and national levels. This offering is collected each May.

  • Neighbors in Need: expresses the UCC's commitment to justice and compassion in the United States and Puerto Rico. This offering is collected each October.

  • Christmas Fund: helps provide pension and health insurance for low-income retired church workers, as well as emergency assistance to clergy families in need. This offering is taken each December. 

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