Missions & Values
Mission Statement
People come together at Hope Church for the following purposes:
To worship God.
To promote personal and spiritual growth.
To develop a religious community which encourages tolerance and openness of thought, and accepts diversity of thought and action.
To search for meaning in life, and for understanding of ourselves through the teachings of Christ and other great teachers.
To understand how all things are related to each other, and to learn how we may best serve our local community and our world community.
To celebrate with joy, the richness of ourselves and our religious community.
Hope is...
While theologically rooted in Christian faith, we have come to appreciate, value, and learn from the great teachings of the world’s other major religions.
Theologically Diverse
We have come from many other denominations, bringing not only portions of the heritage and traditions we have experienced individually, but also our doubts and questions.
Inclusive and Tolerant
The extent to which elements of any particular faith tradition or lifestyle is incorporated into one’s private spiritual practices is a matter of personal choice.
A community committed to personal search for truth and meaning, unified by a shared search for spiritual growth and a broader perspective of life. Our worship and educational programs regularly include the texts and philosophies from other theological and secular sources.
Action Oriented
Our Christian heritage is expressed most profoundly in our caring for our Church family and in our commitment to faith in action through community service on a local, national, and worldwide scale.
Core Values
At Hope, we are a community that embraces:
Diverse spiritual journeys;
God’s love;
Continuous learning and growth;
Inclusivity through respect and fellowship;
A dynamic music and arts ministry;
Mission, action and justice; and
Joyful celebrations of our members and of the world.