Church Council
In collaboration with the minister, Hope United Church of Christ is led by our Moderator and other members called to serve on the following four boards: Board of Education, Deacons, Mission & Action, and Trustees. (See Hope UCC By-Laws for additional information.)
The following committees assist in sustaining the life of the church: Adult Forum, Benevolent, Care Team, Endowment, ENHANCE Hope, Memorial Garden Foundation, Music & Choir, Nominating, Pastoral Support, Personnel, Safety, Social Life, Stewardship, and WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged). (For further details, see the Hope UCC Annual Report.)
The chairs of these groups along with the Moderator, Member-at-Large, Treasurer, and Secretary form the Church Council. They come together monthly to provide direction and coordination of all church affairs.