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Hope United Church of Christ (UCC)

Open and Affirming Covenant

Open and Affirming (ONA) is the United Church of Christ’s (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries, and other bodies in the UCC which welcome all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions into their ministries.

On May 20, 2021 Hope UCC approved the following covenant: 

Hope United Church of Christ in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, is Open and Affirming. As an Open and Affirming congregation, we continue to seek growth and understanding as we proceed in our efforts toward inclusiveness. We welcome individuals of every ability, age, economic status, gender, nationality, race, and sexual orientation. We believe that every individual is worthy of respect and has unique contributions to make to the church as a whole. Through membership, leadership, employment, and friendship, all are invited to participate fully in the life of the church.

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Hope United Church of Christ (UCC)
Relational Covenant

Created 1-30-2021

We, of Hope United Church of Christ, make an intentional choice to embrace this covenant as an essential part of our faith journey. The following are ways in which we will work together to reach our highest potential as individuals and as a community.

  • We aspire to be open, affirming and to encourage everyone to travel their own spiritual path. We are committed to building trust, advocating for justice, and celebrating diversity.

  • We treat ourselves and each other with patience and love by listening with compassion and speaking with authenticity.

  • We affirm all emotions, take responsibility for our own words and actions, and trust the good intentions of others.

  • We affirm that every voice has equal value. In our verbal, written and online communication, we speak directly and in caring, clear, honest, and respectful ways. We refrain from gossip and honor confidentiality.

  • We uphold our faith community by participating actively and responsibly in the decision making process and work of the church, as we are able. We reach out to meet the needs of each other and the wider community. We are accountable to each other.

  • We create a safe environment for self-disclosure and healthy relationships. When harm is experienced, we acknowledge it, promptly take responsibility, and work to make amends. We practice forgiveness and kindness.

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    Endorsed by the Hope UCC Council on February 23, 2021, this is a living document.

    It is our intention to revisit and refine this document.

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